Sunday, October 5, 2014

Going Deeper into Carry's text (homework for 10-6-14)

Three main claims Carry gives suggesting there are problems with for-profit universities:
1)   Every year, more and more college graduates of for-profit colleges are having a very difficult time paying back their loans.
a.     He gives actual ideas the government is trying to organize in order to counteract the debt for-profit universities have created in the United States.
2)   For-profit universities are going to make their university sound like it is the best choice when searching for a college degree even though they know they are just setting people up for unmanageable debt.
a.     They usually target low-income individuals who are desperate for a higher paying job that they are not aware what they are setting themselves up for.
3)   The for-profit universities are guaranteed money from the government even though more than half of the loans will go bad, which constitutes for dishonesty to the public.
a.     90/10 rule. That no more than 90 percent of the money for-profits receive is from financial aid.

Three main claims Carry gives suggesting that public universities have caused many of the problems for-profits seek to remedy:
1)   For-profit universities are trying to help the people who are often left unnoticed by traditional universities.
a.     University of Phoenix building schools near freeways so people could conveniently go to school after work.
2)   Kaplan University joined together with the community college system to provide classes that bankrupt colleges couldn’t.
a.     The president of the system’s faculty meeting and its objection.
3)   Many for-profit colleges have regional accreditation too.
a.     This title is essential for a university to be legitimate and provide students with worthy degrees.

One main element of Carry’s article I would like to investigate is where he went to college. This may be a large indicator for any skewed information he may have put in his text.

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